Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lets Get This Blog Started... Again

Hi everybody and thanks for reading.  I've been excited to re-start this blog for a while now.  I have been a National Park Ranger for a while now and relaying information about nature is the part of my job which I enjoy the most.  Being an “Interpretive” ranger, I give advice on hikes and camping trips to do, all the while meeting awesome people from around the world. 
                My hope is that this blog will open up a whole new audience for me to meet.  I plan on discussing some past trips I've done and some future adventures I’m gearing up for.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact me.  Let me know if I’m missing out on something really cool or if you have questions about why or where I went to a certain place. 
Since leaving the Land Surveying profession, I've become a bit of a “gear junkie”.  When funds allow, I love buying new outdoor gear to use and try.  Let me know what works for you and give me advice if you have something better than what I’m using.  Hopefully I’ll get a chance to share some insights I've had concerning the gear I've tried and use on a regular basis. 
Just a little background for you, so you know what my future posts will be concerning.  The past two years have been a whirlwind of adventures and exploring.  I left my job as a Land Surveying Tech and joined the wild world of the National Park Service in the Department of the Interior.  I've had the time of my life!  These past two years have allowed me to live in five new states and work in five awesome parks.  Right out of the gates, I moved to Maui in the state of Hawaii to work at Haleakala National Park for 4 months.  Afterwards I drove across country from my home in New York to live and work at Pipe Spring National Monument in Northern Arizona for 3 months.  Moving from there led me to a position in New Mexico at Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument where I was surrounded by the Gila wilderness for another 3 months.  Up to this point, I was strictly in either a volunteer or internship position… not making any “real” money.  I expanded my application outreach and landed a paid government job at Olympic National Park in the state of Washington.  So… after the Gila, I drove North and enjoyed exploring the Northwest corner of our great country for almost 4 months.  And lastly, after driving back across country to NY, I decided to take another internship as the Assistant Volunteer Coordinator in Everglades National Park where I am writing this from.  I have been in Florida for almost 3 months now and have been enjoying the warm weather as opposed to winter in the Northeast.  While I have traveled a good amount and gotten to see some neat places in the US, the most experience I have is in Upstate New York where I grew up.  Fishing, canoeing, camping, hiking… it can all be found in the wilderness that is the Adirondacks and Catskills.  I’m looking forward to maybe moving back this coming summer if I can find a position.  The search continues…
Thanks for reading.  Now that I have some background out of the way, I’d like to start writing about  some awesome hikes I've done around the country and share with you the buzz I’ve always found while exploring… and I’m not talking about black flies.

Bryce Canyon National Park

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